I made some happy Lotto Blocks - sent some to the Sunshine Yahoo Guild - kept some for myself!
Then I put a couple of rows on Bonnie Hunter's Roll Roll Cotton Bowl, which is beginning to look like a permanent fixture on my den floor...(just jump over it honey, even though it's getting wider every day)
Then I worked some more on this one, which wasn't doing like I wanted until I worked on the borders some, so now it looks like this:

The bottom is hanging funny in the photo - its not all wonky... Now I think I will put it on point by putting some triangles on the sides, and then put a new big border on it...I just need to figure out how large to make the triangles... there must be a formula somewhere..
And, just to indulge my love of working on something different every 1.2 minutes, I made some string blocks to use up the overflowing basket of scrap strings (I'm not filling up bins of scraps any more, just cutting baskets full of strings... but trying valiantly to make blocks from them)
And then, I assembled this little charity children's quilt from some 9-patches sent to the Yahoo Quilt Guild.. it needs one more border, I think... tomorrow!

And then, I assembled this little charity children's quilt from some 9-patches sent to the Yahoo Quilt Guild.. it needs one more border, I think... tomorrow!

And there are still some hours left in this day!! DH is making sugar-free chocolate pudding - got to go!
Happy quilting,