It has been such a wonderful weekend... I have sewed and sewed to my heart's content...
My gazillion hexagon project grew some new pieces...

And this box of knitted blankies got all boxed up to go to Project Linus in Greensboro, NC... the Greensboro Linus ladies have a special place in my heart and my quilting history, so they get a box at least once a year...

It was a lovely sunny day , so I spent some time out in the garage sandwiching some charity quilts, mostly lap-size...

And this lovely quilt got partially born... it has three more rows and some borders to go on it... this will be a Christmas present... can you believe I am starting it before December??? Wonder if that will avoid the last minute rush - probably not!
unfortunately I must return to the 'day job' tomorrow, so my progress will slow to a crawl on all these projects... oh well, must pay the bills! Take care,