
Monday, December 12, 2016

New Experiences

Hello everyone -  I've had two really fun new experiences lately...

On Saturday last week I went to Featherweight maintenance class.....  fun, fun.  A whole room full of adorable little cuties - mostly black, one white, and one painted red.....

We learned a little bit of history, a little bit of maintenance, learned where to grease and where to oil -  and then I got a NEW foot pedal - no more little button to push with your toe or the side of your foot - a regular, "clamshell" pedal...... hooray.

And I meant to get an LED light, and then forgot - boohoo, another day.

My Featherweight came to me about 6 years ago, and has sat ever since, so it was very happy to have some attention !  

then today - I had some of my quilts appraised... four of my show quilts, that travel so much.  It was time and overdue to get them appraised.

My appraiser was Nancy Bavor, of  She was terrific - did a fabulous, professional appraisal, and then gave me a printed form for each quilt.

I was very humbled at the values she put on my quilts - I told DH to drive home very carefully !

Seriously, it reminded me to value the artistry in my quilts - and not to sell myself short...


Go , right now, and look at one of your quilts, and repeat after me:  THIS IS A VALUABLE PIECE OF ART AND QUILTING !   Then do it again.  Then pat yourself on the back !

hooray for us quilters..........


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