
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

February is Over???

 Surely February has a few more days... all those things I was going to get finished ...  

NO?   Well, then i am planning for March to be a really great month...

I did finish a few donation quilts during February.

Found these pieces in a ziploc bag... 
A top donated to Jo Kramer and then passed to me.  It's big and cuddly, and will go to Quilts Beyond Borders.  Its big enough to cuddle a whole family !!

Blocks from a monthly lotto by the Sunshine Online Quilt Guild.   Sometimes I just love brown !

more lotto blocks, many using various types of crumb and string techniques !

Don't ya love purple?  A top sent to me for quilting by a group called Heartstrings... they make lots of string quilts for donation, and sent me this one for quilting and donation.  It's ready to go now!!




OK, that's the donation quilts for February - but that's not all that was happening...  so stay tuned for the next post which will feature the activity of the Show Quilts during the past couple of months - they are feeling left out !

Quilt on,



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