Happy Cesar Chavez Day to you.
Cesar Chavez day is celebrated as a state holiday in eight states...
And, if you don't know, Cesar Chavez was an activist in labor practices, and founder of the American Farm Workers. He was an important leader to bring about fair labor practices for the field laborers in the agriculture business - people who had long been mistreated and underpaid.
So today, when you buy or eat some vegetable or other farm product, think of the people who plant and pick - and who work so hard so that all of us can have fresh, safe food.
So I have the day off from work - and am celebrating by - what else - quilting !!!
I put the tables up in my garage , opened the door to a beautiful 75 degree day, and am making quilt sandwiches - have a whole stack of charity quilt tops that need to be sandwiched! This one uses some great denim squares, which makes the quilt all heavy and especially snuggly..
Happy Quilting, AND Happy Cesar Chavez Day!