What can be more cozy than a kitty by the fireplace? Nothing, I think. Big kitty George has now taken to going to the fireplace, sitting there, and hollering until we turn it on... geesh, if there's anything else we can do for you, your highness, just ring the bell! George is a happy camper these days - he is on a 'weight gain' prescription from the vet - he was sick and lost weight, so now he gets all his favorite foods until he gets back his 'fightin weight'.
I have sooo enjoyed this week of vacation... lots of time to just 'do stuff' - like finishing this little bright and cheerful charity quilt, which was started as part of a nine-patch tribute to a quilter who passed away... and it is now finished and ready to donate..

We have a dear friend coming tomorrow for New Year's Eve - we are going to see the musical parody "Beach Blanket Babylon" in San Francisco.. I saw it several years ago and it is hilarious... can't wait!..
...........and I am serving Bonnie Hunter's potato soup !
I do hope everyone has a safe and pleasant NYE - and a fabulous 2011...