Hello hello, just a few progress pics on the project I started in a class at Road to California, with wonderful creative Cindy Needham, who works with whole-cloth quilts created from vintage linens. This piece is a linen placemat, on an underlayment of sateen... it has just quilted up beautifully, and I just have a bit more work around the edges to do before I can square it up and bind it.
I can't wait to start another linen project!
and, for tonight's laugh - my darlin little kitty, Bit, with her head in the toilet... she just love love loves watching the toilet flush, and stirring around in there with her little dainty foot...
'night everyone... no more time for quilting today!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Sunday Sewing
Hello everyone and a happy Sunday afternoon - I've been doing some really fun sewing on a block challenge by the Yahoo Sunshine Quilt Guild - a block a day during Lent... now mind you, we're not a Catholic guild... and most people said 'oh sure' and then later asked 'how many days in Lent?" ... so, we're just an agreeable bunch, and when someone says the word 'challenge', we say 'sure'.
I have been making assembly line 'parts - red HSTs, black flying geese, piles of them. Then I find a 6 1/2 inch square of novelty fabric, and zoom a block is born! The kittens seem particularly interested... 7 down, 40 more to go..but i am having fun.

DH put one of the blocks over the Little Bit for a blanket - oh , grab the camera - it's a cutie!!!
I did have a wonderful Quilting AHA moment today...
Since buying my APQS George quilting machine, I have been focusing on thread tension, as I learn how to adjust for different thread weights - turns out not to be so very difficult... whew..
But my Bernina stitch just didn't look good - thread just laying there on top like a small snake...
Finally, I pulled out the bobbin, had a talk with it, and TURNED THE SCREW, and put it back... and left the room - I was so sure it was gonna go berserk because I messed with the bobbin tension.......
Two hours later I got brave enough to sew - and it was MUCH BETTER !!!! oh boy but I feel like a pro now, I can adjust the bobbin thread without going into fear and trembling!
How will I stand myself if I get any more capable???? Hmmm, I'm sure something will bring me back to earth ...
Happy sunday to everyone! Hummingbirds are in full force here - four or five feeding at once...
Happy quilting,
Thursday, February 21, 2013
A New Fascination
Hi everyone... since I have completely run out of UFO's (NOT) and have no other Works-in-Progress (DEFINITELY NOT) , I went off on a new track!! Well, almost a new track.
I have become very fascinated with the work being done by quilter Cindy Needham (cindy.needham.com). She mounts vintage linens on an underlayment, and then quilts like a wholecloth quilt...
So I started with a linen placement with lovely lace work on it that I bought on eBay:

So I mounted it on a piece of fabric, I can't remember what kind - something slick and shiny, and got out my stencils and started drawing... these are just the "bones" of the quilting - now I can fill in lots of detail work... this is really fun.
(those horizontal lines are just basting lines and will come out - no worry.
And these came in the mail - a gifting from a friend in an online guild... let's see, I will put something bright with them... wonder what - fun to consider... I love these type of 'starter units'... thanks!!
Weekend starts soon!! Lots of sewing time...
Happy Quilting,
I have become very fascinated with the work being done by quilter Cindy Needham (cindy.needham.com). She mounts vintage linens on an underlayment, and then quilts like a wholecloth quilt...
So I started with a linen placement with lovely lace work on it that I bought on eBay:
(those horizontal lines are just basting lines and will come out - no worry.
And these came in the mail - a gifting from a friend in an online guild... let's see, I will put something bright with them... wonder what - fun to consider... I love these type of 'starter units'... thanks!!
Weekend starts soon!! Lots of sewing time...
Happy Quilting,
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Back to Work I Go
oh, it's been nice being home the last few days, even if I did have the flu... I got to snuggle with the kittens, watch the hummingbirds feed every afternoon (apologies to all who have snow), and watch endless coverage of the cruise ship...
Despite lots of naps and some hours of just laying around and moaning, I did get a lot done on several projects, especially yesterday and today when I felt better. Let's see...
I am becoming comfortable with my new APQS George quilting machine... doing lots of practice on some charity quilts... today was feather practice
And I am pedal to the medal on this pineapple quilt - slowly it is growing... and DH is living up to his promise to remove all the paper! All these papers are removed except around the edges...
For some reason, I just LOVE the trash I make when sewing these pineapples - little, bitty pieces of trash - almost a whole trash can full... I can throw these fabric scraps away without any guilt - they are WAY too small to use...
The kittens loved having me at home... for snuggling and naps...
While we were working hard to keep Mystic's weight up during his problem with the taaaapewooorm, Gloucester turned into a little Kitty Goodyear Blimp... look at the butt on that little thing... Kitty Weight Watchers for her...
I hope everyone is ready for a great week - only five work days until another weekend full of time to quilt!
Despite lots of naps and some hours of just laying around and moaning, I did get a lot done on several projects, especially yesterday and today when I felt better. Let's see...
I am becoming comfortable with my new APQS George quilting machine... doing lots of practice on some charity quilts... today was feather practice
And I am pedal to the medal on this pineapple quilt - slowly it is growing... and DH is living up to his promise to remove all the paper! All these papers are removed except around the edges...
For some reason, I just LOVE the trash I make when sewing these pineapples - little, bitty pieces of trash - almost a whole trash can full... I can throw these fabric scraps away without any guilt - they are WAY too small to use...
The kittens loved having me at home... for snuggling and naps...
While we were working hard to keep Mystic's weight up during his problem with the taaaapewooorm, Gloucester turned into a little Kitty Goodyear Blimp... look at the butt on that little thing... Kitty Weight Watchers for her...
I hope everyone is ready for a great week - only five work days until another weekend full of time to quilt!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Sewing and Sniffing
I think I am the last person in America to have this winter's flu - - yuck, sneeze, sneeze, sniff, sniff... third day home from work... but I have felt well enough each day to do just a little bit of quilting...
So - it's a red letter day... a complete, complete, complete finish. Quilted, bound, labeled, and sleeved - hooray !!!! I have SUCH a hard time getting those last stages done...
I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day - no kisses for me, with all this virus hanging out inside me...
Happy Weekend to everyone...
So - it's a red letter day... a complete, complete, complete finish. Quilted, bound, labeled, and sleeved - hooray !!!! I have SUCH a hard time getting those last stages done...
This is the 2010 Bonnie Hunter Mystery she called "Roll, Roll Cotton Bowl" - finished in only two years!!!! hooray... the kitten is not part of the pattern!
The next photo is a new project - a linen placemat I am incorporating into a whole cloth quilt - or at least that is the plan... Kitty seems to have another plan - to use it as a bathing area!
Happy Weekend to everyone...
Monday, February 11, 2013
Moving On
Hi everyone - - I think I better pop up a new post quick, to get rid of that disgusting post about Mystic's taaaaaaapewooooorrrrm............. so here goes.
Here is the mighty Mystic himself, on a little charity top - I have no idea how I got a Thomas panel, or where it came from, but it's a flimsy now! He likes it - why not, he's a little boy...
I often photo a little charity quilt on the hardwood floor, mainly so as not to constantly pester DH to hold up a quilt - well that was B.C, otherwise known as Before Kittens ...
Now, just lay it down a minute, and a game of Jump 'n Slide begins instantly... sooo fun...
My new George quilting machine is a fabulous new adventure - sometimes I feel like I am driving a semi truck... little by little I am getting more comfortable - am quilting charity quilts like mad to practice on it and get comfortable...will keep you posted.
and.... I just love this pineapple pattern - it's Pineapple Crazy by Bonnie Hunter, in her most recent book. These are 5 inch blocks - so fun, so fun... using up my tiniest scraps...
the best part??? DH volunteered to remove all the paper - I promise you he did not know how big this quilt is supposed to be - but I am going to downsize it from the Bonnie Hunter hugeness... there will still be lots of pineapples to sew together - and lots of little pieces of paper to remove!!!
Meanwhile, quilting is my sanity - work is crazy, and higher education is simply a tough place to work now, with the never-ending budget reductions... just hard to keep your enthusiasm going..
Everybody take care,
Here is the mighty Mystic himself, on a little charity top - I have no idea how I got a Thomas panel, or where it came from, but it's a flimsy now! He likes it - why not, he's a little boy...
I often photo a little charity quilt on the hardwood floor, mainly so as not to constantly pester DH to hold up a quilt - well that was B.C, otherwise known as Before Kittens ...
Now, just lay it down a minute, and a game of Jump 'n Slide begins instantly... sooo fun...
My new George quilting machine is a fabulous new adventure - sometimes I feel like I am driving a semi truck... little by little I am getting more comfortable - am quilting charity quilts like mad to practice on it and get comfortable...will keep you posted.
and.... I just love this pineapple pattern - it's Pineapple Crazy by Bonnie Hunter, in her most recent book. These are 5 inch blocks - so fun, so fun... using up my tiniest scraps...
the best part??? DH volunteered to remove all the paper - I promise you he did not know how big this quilt is supposed to be - but I am going to downsize it from the Bonnie Hunter hugeness... there will still be lots of pineapples to sew together - and lots of little pieces of paper to remove!!!
Meanwhile, quilting is my sanity - work is crazy, and higher education is simply a tough place to work now, with the never-ending budget reductions... just hard to keep your enthusiasm going..
Everybody take care,
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Now, I ask you..............aren't they just the sweetest thing, napping on a Sunday morning?? They are seven months old now, and they just adore each other...
Hey, I'm napping here - what's this paper with all the lines for??
But this little sweetie just wasn't quite right - very thin, even though he is eating like a piglet, having some upset tummy... so we finally took him to the vet (although DH said I was being paranoid, the cat was fine, and did not need to go to the vet at all)......
so I had to study all about it - - more than I ever wanted to know...
BUT - he got a shot, and that sucker is DEAD NOW !!! (and if you are an "inquiring person" , you will ask how it gets "out" - well it doesn't - after months of living in the intestine and stealing food from the cat - now the dead worm disintegrates and becomes nutrient for the cat - - how cool is that? Oh well, a bit gross, too, I know.
My sweet boy is already feeling better - and ready to help me with more paper piecing... he especially likes the part where i pull the string scraps out of the bin and he grabs the other end and we play tug o war !!!!
Now I ask you, how many other quilting blogs have a picture of a tapeworm on them today???
Life is never dull.............
Back to quilting,
Hey, I'm napping here - what's this paper with all the lines for??
But this little sweetie just wasn't quite right - very thin, even though he is eating like a piglet, having some upset tummy... so we finally took him to the vet (although DH said I was being paranoid, the cat was fine, and did not need to go to the vet at all)......
so I had to study all about it - - more than I ever wanted to know...
BUT - he got a shot, and that sucker is DEAD NOW !!! (and if you are an "inquiring person" , you will ask how it gets "out" - well it doesn't - after months of living in the intestine and stealing food from the cat - now the dead worm disintegrates and becomes nutrient for the cat - - how cool is that? Oh well, a bit gross, too, I know.
My sweet boy is already feeling better - and ready to help me with more paper piecing... he especially likes the part where i pull the string scraps out of the bin and he grabs the other end and we play tug o war !!!!
Now I ask you, how many other quilting blogs have a picture of a tapeworm on them today???
Life is never dull.............
Back to quilting,
Monday, February 4, 2013
Look What followed Me Home
OK, I did it...
I have been wanting one of the new sit-down quilting machines for a while now... so I went down to Road to California in Los Angeles,
and look what followed me home...
oh my goodness...
Actually, it's not here yet - scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
I found this purchase quilt challenging... had to work through all the reasons I should not buy it... and then make myself do it anyway !!
I am going to have to quilt all night and all day to justify this extravagant purchase!!!
anyone know how to eliminate sleep from your schedule???
Stay tuned... when I get home from work tomorrow, there should be BOXES !!!
I have been wanting one of the new sit-down quilting machines for a while now... so I went down to Road to California in Los Angeles,
and look what followed me home...
oh my goodness...
Actually, it's not here yet - scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
I found this purchase quilt challenging... had to work through all the reasons I should not buy it... and then make myself do it anyway !!
I am going to have to quilt all night and all day to justify this extravagant purchase!!!
anyone know how to eliminate sleep from your schedule???
Stay tuned... when I get home from work tomorrow, there should be BOXES !!!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Charity quilt Sew-In
Hi everyone - I'm in the middle of a SuperBowl Weekend Quilt-in by the Sunshine Yahoo Quilt Guild... and am taking the opportunity to try to 'finish' some little charity quilts that are partially finished...
I found a little "Thomas " panel that turned into a small top, yet to be quilted, now being given approval by Mystic...
This little "I Spy" just needed quilting aand binding... that border is baseballs, so this is definitely a good one for the boys...
Taking photos is a new challenge - laying down a quilt on the hardwood floor causes an immediate rush to run, jump, and slide... this little quilt is from donated blocks...with a little extra kitty love thrown in...
These quilts will go to a program called Wrap A Smile - they will journey with Rotarian doctors who do facial disfigurement surgeries in poor countries around the world... each child comes out of surgery wrapped in a colorful quilt... oh, boy, what a great charity... come by Yahoo Sunshine Guild if you want, and check it out, or email me !!!
Having fun on Superbowl Sunday,
I found a little "Thomas " panel that turned into a small top, yet to be quilted, now being given approval by Mystic...
This little "I Spy" just needed quilting aand binding... that border is baseballs, so this is definitely a good one for the boys...
Taking photos is a new challenge - laying down a quilt on the hardwood floor causes an immediate rush to run, jump, and slide... this little quilt is from donated blocks...with a little extra kitty love thrown in...
These quilts will go to a program called Wrap A Smile - they will journey with Rotarian doctors who do facial disfigurement surgeries in poor countries around the world... each child comes out of surgery wrapped in a colorful quilt... oh, boy, what a great charity... come by Yahoo Sunshine Guild if you want, and check it out, or email me !!!
Having fun on Superbowl Sunday,
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