
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Thread Sucker is All Stitched !!!!

I know, I know, it really is a terrible thing to call something this beautiful by the name Thread Sucker...  but, that's just what it seems to want to go by...

I finished the stitching this morning.



Thank Goodness

What's next, you ask?  Why, she is taking a nice bath! 

Allow me to digress with a couple of words about marking pens... 

I use the blue washout pens -   you can see some of the blue lines above, pre-wash. 

the trick with the blue washout pens is 1) don't iron the marks;  2) don't put it in the sun with the marks;  and 3)  COMPLETELY IMMERSE to remove...  sometimes I spray the quilt with water to remove the marks as I am going along - it makes it look nicer...  BUT - a complete immersion is essential to totally remove the blue marks... 

The Frixion pens?  Oh, they mark so nice and precise - I love them... but I sometimes ship my quilts off to shows, and those marks will return in the cold belly of an airplane... so I don't use them - maybe for a little class sample that I know will never fly anywhere... otherwise, no. 

Well, I better go check on Thread Sucker and see how her bath is going...

Next will come squaring, trimming, binding... and maybe beading... we will see.    And a proper name for a proper quilt. 

Happy Sunday, everyone.



Unknown said...

Hi, Love the Thread Sucker quilt, hehe. What do you give her a bath in. I have Oxyclean and wanted your opinion on that.

Thanks, Sharon in CO

Kathleen said...

Thanks for stopping by, Sharon. To get out the blue marks, I just put them in plain water. I do use Oxyclean, mostly to wash the vintage linen before making the quilt... takes out stains, smells, etc. Kate

Empty Closet Quilting said...

Oh! So pretty!

Pattilou said...

Oh, my goodness, this is just gorgeous and your quilting is superior! I did take a class from Pam Clarke recently and she uses and sells a product I haven't yet tried, but she said it even cleaned her carpet from something. Wish I could remember, but I'm going to order and add that so my order. It's called Sew Clean and some LQS's sell it. But, here is her link:

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