
Tuesday, October 6, 2020



Hello, hello - 

This week I had the amazing experience of playing in that big box of thimbles that Jan sent me from her silver thimble company,

So it was sort of like a Beauty Pageant - and here are all the contestants on stage:  

Aren't they lovely?

Can you guess which ones will be finalists?

Some are classic, some modern.

A few just didn't fit my finger quite right - but two made the final cut:

So - TWO MADE THE FINAL CUT, so I sewed and sewed and sewed with them.

This little gemstone thimble wanted so badly to be the winner, but it just didn't fit perfectly.

But THIS ONE did !  So the others are now packed up and are journeying back to Jan in Fairfield, IA.

I love this thimble.  And today my cat tried to steal it - so she likes it too !

I BET i know what would help !
I need a CHATELAINE - you know, a tool that hangs around your neck, and you suspend your thimble on it.......

Hey, guess what, Jan makes those at, too !

Go see...  I'll be there, just picking one out - DH has agreed that Santa might shop from the ThimblesforYou website !!!

Thanks, Jan, for the opportunity to try your thimbles- and the gift of one.  I am happy to tell anyone who admires it that I love it !



Beth H said...

Aw. My money was on the crescent and star one. Oh well. You are excited about your new thimble and I am happy for you! Congratulations. What a lovely new treasure you have. I hope the cats don't lose it for you!

Louise said...

It's a beauty! The detail almost looks like little hearts, perfect for the love you put into your sewing :)

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