
Friday, January 28, 2022

Block Doctor is IN

A friend wrote me recently.  She was so frustrated.

Her blocks had a health problem - they were not coming out the expected size.  

She wanted to participate in a block lotto ...  but her blocks were not coming out reliably to the required size.......  I tried to give her a few tips, but I could tell she just felt like "what is causing this to happen"??????  She needed INTENSIVE CARE ,  lol.

So I asked her to mail me the block.  And i put on my 'BLOCK DOCTOR'  coat.  

She sent Three blocks - one looked perfect.  But another, which should measure at 12.5 square, was not close.    It was 12.25 - well, the top row of the 9 patch was 12.25.  The middle and bottom rows were larger.  

This photo is more informative -  see how the seam curves down on the left side?    aha, there's the problem....
So - the autopsy began, and I took apart that row of blocks, and laid them carefully one on top of the other - and this is what I saw:   

Aha:  diagnosis:  the blocks, which were supposed to be 4.5, range from 3.5 to 4.0 to 4.5

That will certainly cause an uneven block.

MORAL OF THE STORY:  Cut the blocks and stack them - if they are all supposed to measure the same thing - UH OH -  back up and re-cut.

cut precisely,  sew straight - that's the gist of the thing  :)
the reality is a bit more difficult.

isn't it????

Keep trying



Beth H said...

Diagnosis and prescription all in one visit! Well done. Just like a country doctor, you get it all done and fixed in one visit.

Carol E. said...

Nice she had a specialist to consult.

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