Hello my friends...
During these quiet days after the festivities, I've been reflecting on things in my life that need a bit more order.............. like my sewing room - - - ha , not likely...and my closets .... fat chance.
No, I'm thinking about things like my financial records, etc. And my address lists.. which brings me to the subject of this blog - namely - online friends and how to 'stay in touch' in case of emergency.
I belong to an online Yahoo Group (actually several). Last year one of our beloved members and special friends passed away. It was some time before the group could ascertain what had happened. Several times, members have been out of touch for surgery, etc. Fortunately, they usually pop back up... Right now , one of my blog friends (who is sick) has not posted in a couple of weeks, and I genuinely fear that something is very wrong in her life, and I don't know how to check on her.
In the old days, all our friends were 'physical', and usually our families knew them , too... or they fell into groups, like "friends from work",, or "friends from the volunteer group", or "friends I used to know when we lived in xxx"...
THE INTERNET HAS CHANGED IT ALL... now we have these 'virtual' but very real relationships... and we don't always know our full names, our phone numbers, or our addresses. And our families and partners don't have access to our online lives.
Nowhere do I have a list of "my internet friends'...
And if something happened to me, no one would know how to get into my blog, etc.
Now, if 'something happens to me', well, frankly, I won't be worrying about it...
But, what if 'something happens to one of you'???? Well, I want to know, because I care. Because my internet friends are closer friends than I ever expected through this medium. And if you should be sick, or troubled, I want to try to help... but I might not know.
Has anyone given this any thought?
Yes, I know, serious thoughts for a Tuesday morning - but it is what's on my mind.