Are not these the cutest little crocheted slippers? They have an even better story...

When I lived in New York, one of the staff in my office had a visit from her mother in law. Well, you know that a visit from MIL, especially an extended one, can be a tricky thing! Well, this MIL is from Yugoslavia, and speaks little English, so it had an even greater potential to be difficult.
My friend was mostly worried about how she would keep this lady entertained for three weeks... and then she had a great idea - she remembered that the MIL crocheted!!! So, she took her to a store, and let her pick out a pattern and some crochet materials... And, two weeks later, everyone in the office got a lovely pair of slippers for our holiday present!! Mine were green, as you see.

So - the best part - MY mother is coming to visit in Dec or January - now I know how to keep her happy - set her up at my sewing machine and let her loose with my string collection and some foundations and make string blocks!!!! Such a great idea - we can sew together - I can't wait.
Happy Quilting all,,
Not to be rude, but those slippers are knitted, not crocheted.
LOL I have to say I was thinking the same as Jay but was NOT going to correct you because they are very nice either way. BTW, can I be part of your office staff who receives your mother's string quilts?
Just love your slippers....great idea!!
LOL - KNITTED slippers!!!!
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