Well - my whole post today is a link... nothing more, just a link.
I just read this, and about peed my pants... (if you're a serious prude, don't go there - otherwise, enjoy)
you'll have to cut and paste it into your browser - sorry, I need to learn how to make the link live.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
On Entering My First Quilt Show
Hi Everyone -
It's a no-pic day... just dialogue.
I am putting four quilts in the Amador Valley Quilt Guild show this weekend. It's been amazing how much work it was to get them 'just so'... the sleeve, the label for the show, all the little details.
So today I took my quilts to the 'drop-off' point.... oh, I had a hard time leaving them there - all wrapped up in a white bag, in a big stack with all the other quilts in white bags - -
"Oh my", my instincts cried - "can they breathe in there?" "do we need to cut some air holes?"
Somehow I forced myself through the separation anxiety and left my babies there...
oh gee, this just feels weird.
I will see them again on Sunday when I go to the show... meanwhile lots of people will walk by them and .......... and what?......
I need to get those people who do that show on tv where they secretly tape people at open houses... I'd like to secretly tape people who look at my quilts...
ok, deep breathe...........stop over-dramatizing............ the quilt babies will be fine..
and I will, too.
It's a no-pic day... just dialogue.
I am putting four quilts in the Amador Valley Quilt Guild show this weekend. It's been amazing how much work it was to get them 'just so'... the sleeve, the label for the show, all the little details.
So today I took my quilts to the 'drop-off' point.... oh, I had a hard time leaving them there - all wrapped up in a white bag, in a big stack with all the other quilts in white bags - -
"Oh my", my instincts cried - "can they breathe in there?" "do we need to cut some air holes?"
Somehow I forced myself through the separation anxiety and left my babies there...
oh gee, this just feels weird.
I will see them again on Sunday when I go to the show... meanwhile lots of people will walk by them and .......... and what?......
I need to get those people who do that show on tv where they secretly tape people at open houses... I'd like to secretly tape people who look at my quilts...
ok, deep breathe...........stop over-dramatizing............ the quilt babies will be fine..
and I will, too.
Monday, April 25, 2011
H2H Progress
Well - my H2H quilt sure is about WHEELS...
Turns out I have all these pieces in my stash that have wheels on them, too!
Here are some "parts"...

I started out using the lovely pattern one of my readers sent, but then the pattern in the fabric took over, so i just went where it wanted to go...
I'm not quite sure how this will turn out - but it will be BRIGHT, and it sure will be BOY....
and it's a lot of fun.
Turns out I have all these pieces in my stash that have wheels on them, too!
Here are some "parts"...

I started out using the lovely pattern one of my readers sent, but then the pattern in the fabric took over, so i just went where it wanted to go...
I'm not quite sure how this will turn out - but it will be BRIGHT, and it sure will be BOY....
and it's a lot of fun.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Sunday Sewing Fun

Happy Easter everyone !!!
I always remember Easter from my childhood - baskets from the Easter bunny, a new dress for church, and oh yes - white patent leather shoes... there are lots of photos of the children on the front porch with easter outfits...
hmmm - how much we have changed... today I will be doing well if i change out of my sweats... wonder if that is good or bad? oh well.
This photo is the fabric I received from my partner Tonya, in the Hands 2 Help Charity Challenge. You see Tonya started this quilt off with a strong 'boy' and 'wheels' theme! Then my reader Pam in MT suggested a layout, and I was off to the races!!

These four-patches are the first part of my quilt - I added some fabric from my stash that has lovely road signs on it, which fits nicely with those wheels in the focus fabric!!

These four-patches are the first part of my quilt - I added some fabric from my stash that has lovely road signs on it, which fits nicely with those wheels in the focus fabric!!
This is going to be a really fun quilt! And I hope equally fun to the little boy who gets it..
Yesterday the ups man brought me a huuuuuuuuuge box of fabric... there was a great sale at Quilt in a Day online site, and I took advantage to buy some large-yardages, for backs, borders, etc.
So - it's Easter, and I get to do these fabulous things today:
1) Bake a ham - I love baking ham - soo easy;
2) Eat a lemon ice box pie that DH made yesterday;
3. Finish preparing my quilts for the local quilt guild show next weekend;
4. Continue on my H2H quilt;
5. Keep cleaning my sewing room (endless, I know).
6. Wear sweats all day..
Happy Quilting everyone,
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thanks Pam in MT

Thanks to Pam in MT, who sent me this photo - I now have a plan for my H2H Charity Quilt... isn't this cute????(sorry, Pam, that it is sideways, but very lovely nonetheless!)
I'm already hard at work, starting with the 4-patches... fun fun!
I have barely come out of my sewing room all day - DH is off checking out fishing spots, the cat is sleeping, and I am watching Lifetime Movies and sewing - hooray...
DH calls Lifetime the "Cryin' and Dyin'" Channel - he says all the characters are doing one or the other !!!!
A big box of fabric was delivered this morning by UPS - can't wait to see what is inside!!
Happy Quilting,
Happy Quilting,
Friday, April 22, 2011
Send those Ideas Right in !!!
Hi everyone - yummmm, its Friday!!!! hooray... and I have lots of quilting time planned this weekend.
I have to finish up the quilts I'll be putting in the Amador Valley Quilt Show - have to deliver them on Monday , so got to put those sleeves on now!! Why do we wait til the last second????

So - look at this fabric: I just got it in the mail today from Tonya - my partner in the H2H Quilt Charity initiative, sponsored by Judy the Green Fairy... isn't it fabulous and boy-friendly??
In this initiative - each partner sends fabric to someone else, who must make a quilt for a kid... eventually the finished quilt goes with Judy and her husband to Eastern Europe to an orphanage...
SO - the big question - anybody have a great idea for a pattern with these fabrics???
If so, please send it in...thanks,
and happy quilting,
I have to finish up the quilts I'll be putting in the Amador Valley Quilt Show - have to deliver them on Monday , so got to put those sleeves on now!! Why do we wait til the last second????

So - look at this fabric: I just got it in the mail today from Tonya - my partner in the H2H Quilt Charity initiative, sponsored by Judy the Green Fairy... isn't it fabulous and boy-friendly??
In this initiative - each partner sends fabric to someone else, who must make a quilt for a kid... eventually the finished quilt goes with Judy and her husband to Eastern Europe to an orphanage...
SO - the big question - anybody have a great idea for a pattern with these fabrics???
If so, please send it in...thanks,
and happy quilting,
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Random Thoughts
Hi everyone - thank goodness Tax Day is over!!!! I get a refund!!!!
Whatever shall I do with it???? hmmmm...
My petunias burst out in bloom this week - being new to California, I am still amazed that they live through the winter here... and then bloom their heart out in celebration of spring!!

good grief why does Blogger put this huge space in here??????
I am participating in Judy the Green Fairy's H2H charity quilt initiative - it's a fun one involving a swap of fabric between two partners - each one makes a quilt with the other's fabrics... kids quilts that eventually go with Judy and her husband to orphanages in eastern Europe.
another huge space...................
Whatever shall I do with it???? hmmmm...
My petunias burst out in bloom this week - being new to California, I am still amazed that they live through the winter here... and then bloom their heart out in celebration of spring!!

good grief why does Blogger put this huge space in here??????
I had a sandwiching fit recently - here's a whole stack of charity quilts that are now ready for machine quilting... I have learned that once I get something sandwiched, it's easy then to get it finished - it's the sandwich moment where things can get stuck.
I am participating in Judy the Green Fairy's H2H charity quilt initiative - it's a fun one involving a swap of fabric between two partners - each one makes a quilt with the other's fabrics... kids quilts that eventually go with Judy and her husband to orphanages in eastern Europe.
Here's the fabric I am mailing to my partner, .. hope she likes bright!
another huge space...................
George the Cat has been enjoying the spring sunshine - he is very much a senior kitty now , and sleeps a lot, and loves warm places... 

Later that day, he got his spring haircut, stage one... it takes us around three times to get him clipped - he really is very patient, but only puts up with the clipping for about 15 minutes, and then we have to stop for another day...

Anyone know any Chemo Kitties that need a wig????
Happy Quilting,
Sunday, April 17, 2011
CAN MY 1040 BE A UFO???

there's sooo much fabric...
UFO's to finish
hexies to sew
hanging sleeves to put on the quilts for the quilt show
charity quilt to machine quilt
bindings to sew on...
UGH UGH UGH...........
it's more than halfway done - if I focus I can be finished by lunch...
ok, here goes....
would rather be quilting
Friday, April 8, 2011
Hi all -
I am just having a boatload of fun with these hexagons - this is my task every night in front of the tv... it has grown a lot since you last saw it... a little lopsided at the moment - got to work on the left side!!!
So - I'm sitting here, sewing up these little darlin's and I look over, and good grief - look at DH's socks!!!
oh my goodness I think we have to make an emergency run to Target to buy the boy some socks that will keep his toes inside!!
I really hate to think about things like that...
Happy weekend to all,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Quiltin' is Happening Here!
Hi everyone - it's a great sunny spring in California !!! And I'm having a great quilting time... I'm trying to finish up my Mariner's Compass quilt - about time, too, since I signed up to show it in our Guild quilt show in a few weeks...
And I've been quilting up some small quilts for the Sunshine Yahoo Guild, who collected more than 2000 (yes, 2000) 9-patch blocks in memory of our friend Bev. Those blocks are gradually turning into quilts that will go with to the Wrap-A-Smile Foundation... these are ready for binding now! Aren't they cute all snuggled up in the laundry basket???

I decided to use a nice basketweave pattern in machine quilting the green section around the center. I like the way it turns out (markings to be removed later - have a ways to go yet)..
I put together a top from some lottery blocks I won - this will eventually go to charity when quilted up...

And I've been quilting up some small quilts for the Sunshine Yahoo Guild, who collected more than 2000 (yes, 2000) 9-patch blocks in memory of our friend Bev. Those blocks are gradually turning into quilts that will go with to the Wrap-A-Smile Foundation... these are ready for binding now! Aren't they cute all snuggled up in the laundry basket???

Meanwhile, I have an interesting quandry at my house - DH has become obsessed with an online war game - hours and hours he plays this game... now - can I possibly say:
"Why are you playing that game (sewing)all the time?" or "Why don't you get off that computer (sewing machine) and do something useful?"
OOH, I think I best hush and say things like:
Gee, that game looks fun (beautiful).
Gosh, you are better at that game (quilting) than anyone else!
LOL - he's getting lots of advice from George the Cat...
We all need our hobbies , now don't we???
Happy Quilting ,
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Delightful Eye Candy

Hi from Saturday and the Contra Costa Quilt Guild Show........
Well, not quite yet.... first there's lunch...
Japanese Fusion Sushi - I have been sooo amazed at the asian food in the San Francisco Bay area..
This is Lion King - ooh yummy..
and then came something called "Chuck Norris Roll" - your guess is as good as mine - but is was FABULOUS... I never really liked Chuck Norris until today!
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