
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

my little baby

Hi everyone...  here's my evening's work - a little gymnastics, a little swimming, and a little LeMoyne Star...  this is a little 4-inch beauty... it's a bit more coral than the pinky look here, but it is a darling little thing...  I can't wait to make another... 

I could trim up the dogears before I photographed it, couldn't I?  Oh well, plenty of time to do that.

In case you wondered, it is hand pieced... i'll be putting a number of these little stars into the small wall quilt I've been showing you, and I can do these much easier by hand than by machine... so I had a lovely evening watching Olympics and sewing on this little gem...

 I have just enough time before bed to do some hexagons!  yippee..........

night all,


Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Very Bestest Quilty Weekend

Happy Sunday everyone...  I am having (IT AINT OVER YET) the most fabulous quilty weekend... I'll let the photos and captions tell my story: 

This horrible ironing board cover is GONE GONE GONE !!

I made a bunch of these blocks from a piece of free novelty fabric - no, don't know what they will be when they grow up yet!

Pinned and ready to quilt - a little charity quilt  - someone else made the top.


OK, my serious quilting - three borders done.  One more to go.

Gorgeous little templates for 4 inch LeMoyne Stars -...ooh, ooh.

Bound, washed, dried - ready for a sleeve.. tonight's Olympics!

The 'needs'  stack - it never gets any shorter... MAGIC!

Finished cutting up a bunch of fabric for a Guild Charity Quilt initiative - now I can give this back - does that count as stash reduction!!


Happy Quilting to everyone,


Friday, July 27, 2012

I Am Ready

OK - I'm ready...for the OLYMPICS!

The opening ceremony can start now...

I have a big quilt to bind, and it's a little chilly, so a good night to be all snuggled up.

(no, I don't bind left handed, but my right hand was taking the photo!)

Wonder if I can get this all bound before the opening ceremony ends? 

.................we'll see...


Saturday, July 21, 2012

This is Such Fabulous Fun !!!

I'm working more today on my medallion quilt - the one I am making up as I go along... with some turns and 'reverses' (rip it) along the way !!! It began as a center square, called "North Carolina Star" in a Sally Collins class at the Asilomar Empty Spools Seminar in Monterey.

So, here's what it looked like in my last post:

Well, I looked at it and looked at it, and it just didn't suit me.  I liked the idea, but the red fabric just didn't work, and it wasn't precise, even after squaring it up... I kept remembering Sally saying "when it lives up to your standards, you can move on to the next step...

oh heck, gimme my ripper.

Then came a very sedate version - I will have to do something with those setting triangles - lots of plain space - but room for some quilting or some applique or embellishment later.

 So, now here is where it is headed...  the green border has been cut in half and a raspberry strip inserted, and a new pieced border is 1/4 done...
 These tiny pieces borders take a loooong time to sew, so don't look for anything much more on this from me for a while !!!!  I'll be turtling along.   It's 20 inches wide now... 

Do I know what will come next?  No, but I know it will involve 4" LeMoyne Stars...  at least I HOPE it will involve 4" LeMoyne Stars!!!

Many thanks to Julianne, who sent me these lovely 9 patches after reading about my work with the Sunshine Yahoo Guild. on the blog "Quilts are for Giving".  
Gotta run - my sewing machine is getting lonely!! 

Happy Saturday sewing to all,


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Progress and More Progress

You know - - - I read these blogs, and it seems that some people just have FINISH after FINISH...  it's just amazing!!

This little charity quilt, for the Sunshine Quilt guild, is getting sandwiched and pinned

 ugh - this is the stack of "needs"..... needs binding, needs labels, needs something... ugh, i will just look in another direction
 BUT - EUREKA  . . and YIPPEE  and all those things!!

This little baby is now completely quilted...  now, I ask you, who had the bright idea to quilt a circle around every pattern on that blue fabric, so it would show on the back???  yes, that would be mee...
 here's the front - ready to be trimmed and bound...
 .......... and here's what the back looks like...

............. and I picked up a packet of fabric to cut for our guild charity project - there's a lot in that bag!!!!    We have a prison quilt program - and the ladies in the prison can't have much by way of cutting tools, for obvious reasons...  so we often have these  big cutting jobs to do...  and I like cutting... this will be fine.  lots of nice reds in there!!

Well, it's only 1:00 in the afternoon - I can go get into some more trouble in my sewing room!!!

Happy quilting,


Friday, July 13, 2012

Business Trip: no quilting boo hoo

oh, the dreaded business trip - three solid days of traveling, attending meetings, presenting information, and then flying home............... although I did so much enjoy the people I saw at the meeting, which was held in Oxford, Ohio, on the campus of Miami University - which is no, in Miami, Florida...  lovely town. 

 I missed quilting - but did sew a few hexagons on the plane - not really so many, after all!

While I was gone, DH did the sweetest thing... he picked up all the 'tiny bits' that had found their way on the floor of the sewing room, which I have been trying to tidy up before company comes next's all his "booty" from the floor - ha !

But now it is Friday night - we just had some Mexican food and a margherita, and I am ready to cut fabric up and sew it back together... here we go !!!!  I think I will stay up all night and sew my fingers to the bone................... ha, i will fall asleep at 11:15 as usual I am sure.

Photos of progress to follow soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! yippee.........................


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Stand Up and Pat Myself on the Back

I am having soooo much fun working on this... next comes a cheater border to square up those edges, and then some more piecing work - not sure exactly what, but we will see.

I love Saturdays...  a little sewing, a little cleaning, a little cooking, and no rush to any of it...

Happy Quilting,


A Fabric Intervention !!

Oh my, it was out of control...

It is my intent, when I bring new fabric in the house, to wash, iron, and fold - and then to put on the shelves of my stash... but IT WASN'T QUITE WORKING:::::::  


 all folded, it went out in the garage...  where there's a bit more room. 


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wee the People, on the Fourth of July

Think I Can't Spell??????

 OK, this post is not about THAT "We the People" - - even though it is the flag-wavin, parade-watching Fourth of July !!

It's about THESE WEE PEOPLE .  Don't they look like a Happy celebratory group?? I got this fabric for $1 per yard at our guild's silent auction a year ago, and have been eager to do something with it cause it's so cute..

So, today I have cut a bunch of it into 4 1/2 inch squares, and am putting some colorful borders around it to make squares... and best of all , i am using fabric out of my scrap-user's system (a la Bonnie Hunter) that was already pre-cut for the size I need:

So - you see :  WEE THE PEOPLE.

Given how much fun I am having making these, perhaps it should be WHEE, THE PEOPLE!

or, in Paris - OUI, LES PEOPLE !!

ok, i will stop this now.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hi everyone - I am soooo excited - tonight and tomorrow I and gonna SEW MY BRAINS OUT... yippee...

Here's my first project...  and , of course, there is a story to tell..

In my recent class with the fabulous Sally Collins , I learned the following:
1.  Always plan out the entire quilt;
2.  Make a mock-up so you can see the whole picture; and
3.  Use mirrors to see what the overall effect will be...



Instead, I brought home my little block, and started adding to it, gradually making it bigger and more complex... one step at the time...This next step is designed to provide a calm spot before another fit of mad piecing will occur - or at least that's what I think is going to happen!!!  First I have to put all four sides on it.  I'm not sure I like this part, but think it will balance out when I put the next step on.

Of course, if I had done what Sally said, and done a mockup, I would know, and not be guessing...

I realized today that I am doing a ROUND Robin - WITH MYSELF !!!

But I am havin' fun !!!!

Happy Fourth of July,


Sunday, July 1, 2012

July - July??? It Can't be July......

WOWEE - July 1st....and time for another photo of the Enormous Hexagon Quilt...  I worked so hard on this the past month - and made progress...........  BUT THERE's so much more to do --- eek!  Mostly I worked on the third section of the big border - on the right - and the triangular fill for the corner.  Will I ever finish this??? oh my I do not know...somehow I must.  I have told DH to harrass me if I stop working on it.

Meanwhile, I feel SOO sorry for everyone out there who is sweltering, or especially those who have no power in this horrendous heat...  Meanwhile, here in the San Francisco Bay area   - it's a typical summer day:::  65 chilly degrees...
We got home from our beach trip this morning at 2 a.m., dead tired from the cross-country travel.  Today is just a rest and repair day - some unpacking, some laundry, and ......... some MORE hexagons!!!! 

Happy July to all...

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