
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Quilty Retreat - Final Day !

Oh, my friends, what a fun three-day quilty home retreat I have had!  It was cold outside (ok, not like Minnesota, but for the Bay Area, the forties is really cold - so fun to snuggle in the house and sew. 

I ran around like a hummingbird in a garden of red flowers - a little here, a little there.... 

Three charity quilts were washed, boxed, and are ready to ship to an organization collecting quilts for Midwest relief.  These have been ready to give away for a while, but I wasn't sure where to send them until the Midwest tornados hit... now I know.  The middle one has a bit of a holiday theme - hope it finds a hope just in time for Christmas morning... 

Let's see what else I can show you: 
 I finished Clue 1 of Bonnie Hunter's Mystery quilt,

sandwiches a couple of charity tops that were made by a friend; 

and my Jade plant BLOOMED.   I had heard they bloomed, but had never seen one do it...  WOW. 


So, now it's back to work tomorrow -  better go make some money to support my quilty habits!!!!

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