
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Quilted My Fingers to the Bone !

Oh, hello but I had a fabulous weekend - I did not put on a bra shoes all weekend!   Just sewed and sewed and sewed... boy did I have fun...  Most fun of all was this little shadow trapunto piece - just needs to be squared up and some binding!!    I love love this technique...

I spent a lot of time on this top - which is now as long as it needs to be, but needs to be one row wider...  oh well, maybe next weekend.  Then there will be three borders, a small white one, a print one, and a dark red one at the outside...\

And - see kitty George there, acting as the Quilt Police?    He was so very sick, but is now a bit better... he's so so skinny and frail, but is gobbling down his food and hollering for more - we hope he can gain just a little bit of weight, but at any rate his days are peaceful and he sits in the sun and watches the birds...
I also finished up the quilting on a little charity quilt for the Sunshine Yahoo Group !  Isn't this bright and cheery!!!

and now, Boohoo!,  the weekend is coming to a close...  oh well, I can steal a little bit of sewing time every evening ............ and there's another weekend coming. 

Happy Quilting...


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